Studying Aboard

The University of Sydney Foundation Program

Why study at The University of Sydney Foundation Program?

  • Guaranteed place at The University of Sydney upon successful completion of a USPP.
  • High progression rate with nearly 100% of USFP students studying at a tertiary institution upon graduation.
  • Individual support and leadership programs
  • Small class sizes
  • Address: 965 Bourke Street, Waterloo, NSW 2017
  • Guaranteed place at The University of Sydney upon successful completion of a USPP.
  • High progression rate with nearly 100% of USFP students studying at a tertiary institution upon graduation.
  • Individual support and leadership programs
  • Small class sizes
  • Address: 965 Bourke Street, Waterloo, NSW 2017

Pathway into the University of Sydney

  • Our Foundation program prepares students to study diverse undergraduate degrees, including Medicine, Law, Commerce, Architecture, veterinary science, and Visual Arts.
  • This wide choice of academic streams feeds into courses at year one. For example, over 89% of students take up an offer from the University of Sydney following successful completion of the Foundation program. In addition, almost 100% receive offers from tertiary colleges.
  • Students can choose from standard, intensive or extended courses to suit their own ability and personal academic objectives. Multiple intake dates allow students to start their studies throughout the year.

Standard Program

Intensive Program

Extended Program


  • The University of Sydney is ranked in the top 100universities in the world and among the top three in Australia
  • 152 countries represented in the student population


965 Bourke Street, Waterloo, NSW 2017

  • Set around a beautiful natural harbour, Sydney provides a spectacular backdrop for studying. With a great mix of stunning natural sights like our world-famous beaches and parks, Sydney has something for everyone to enjoy to the iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge.
  • Based in our state-of-the-art campus at Taylors College in the centre of this vibrant city, USFP enables international students to develop their academic, English language and study skills under the close supervision of our expert teachers.


Australia Universities



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