Studying Aboard

What is PTE

The PTE-Academic Exam is divided into four modules—Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. While the Speaking and Writing modules are combined in one session, Listening and Reading have separate sections.

PTE is accepted for student and migration applications across the world. In addition to its unbiased approach to testing, the test has many unique advantages. The PTE test is based on real-life academic and general content.

The fast and fair language test

PTE Academic is a computer-based English test that offers international students and migrants the fastest, fairest and most flexible way of proving their English proficiency for immigration and student visas.As an education or migration agent PTE Academic offers you a new and more efficient way of helping your clients achieve their goals.


Entry Exams

  • What is AEAS

  • What is IELTS

  • What is PTE

  • What is UCAT

  • What is TOFEL

  • What is BMAT

  • What is GAMSAT

Special Go


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