Privacy Policy

Privacy Principles in detail

1. How do we collect information about you?

When you register for an event and/or subscribe to any of our publications, the registration form includes notices about privacy and requests for consent. Those privacy notices (called privacy statements) specify in more detail how any information about you may be used and disclosed. In particular, you consent to us collecting, maintaining, using and disclosing personal information about you and provided by you or by another person in accordance with the privacy statement in the application form and this policy.

The personal information we collect from these sources is your salutation, name, job title, mobile and email address.

The information we collect is used only to:

  •  Verify your identity.
  •  Assist you to enrol for our events or to subscribe to our publications.
  •  Promote our events and publishing titles to you.
  •  Maintain and develop our database.
  •  Share information from time to time with other professional organisations.

We do not collect personal information by unlawful or unfair means, nor in an unreasonably intrusive way. In particular, we do not use electronic harvesting software, nor do we use lists which have been generated by means of such software.

2. How do we use and disclose your information

Information about an individual within a company is used by Australian Multicultural Education Centre to promote its events, publications and other business services and to maintain its database. We give you the right to opt out from receiving communications from us. We may also make information about you available to other reputable organisations whose products or services we think you might find interesting. You can, however, have your name put on our do-not-share list by emailing us at , by calling us on (+617) 3323 3168.

At time we use third party companies to collect personal information and communicate with you via email or telephone on our behalf, in accordance with the Act. In all of these communications we ensure you will clearly be able to identify us. We will only disclose personal information in accordance with the Act. This means that it will be disclosed if:

  • We told you when collecting it that it would be disclosed for that purpose or for a related purpose that you would reasonably expect;
  • We have your consent;
  • It is part of business assets which we are selling;
  • We are required by law to disclose it; or
  • It is otherwise permitted under the Act

We will endeavor to process any request for opting out  as soon as possible, but you may receive communications from us or from third parties whilst we are processing your request.

Email communications are only sent to:

  • Recipients who have opted to receive them
  • Participants in our events unless they have asked us not to do so
  • Those who enquire about our events and/or publications unless they asked us not to do so
  • Those who have subscribed to one or more of our publications or newsletters

In sending email communications, we ensure that you can identify us as the originator.

3. What are cookies and why do we use them

We also use cookies to collect some statistical data about visitors to our websites. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the web browser on your computer. This website and associated websites (including those you reach by clicking on advertising) may store cookies on your browser. The cookie doesn’t tract any personal information about you or provide us with any way to contact you, and the cookie doesn’t extract any information from your computer.

The main reasons we store cookies are to:

  • Gather statistics such as number of visits, pages viewed, types of transactions conducted, time online and documents downloaded to improve site usability
  • Enable us to present customised and appropriate messages from our events and third parties such as targeting more relevant advertisements to you

If you wish to disable or remove cookies, please visit the “Help” section of your browser or mobile device. Please be aware however, that parts of the website may not function correctly as a result of disabling cookies.

4. How does Australian Multicultural Education Centre protect the security of your information?

Australian Multicultural Education Centre employs strict security procedure to ensure that information will not be misused, and to prevent unauthorized access modification or disclosure.

We also, as part of our updating procedures, ensure that any personal information no longer needed by us is either destroyed or modified so that you can no longer be identified.

5. Openness

The Informa Australia privacy policy is published on the website and also available as soft or hard copy upon request. We will, on request, let you know generally what sort of personal information we hold, for what purposes and how we collect, hold, use and disclose that information.

6. Access & Correction to your information

Personal information about an individual can be accessed by that person upon request at , or by phone us at (+617) 3323 3168.

7. Identifiers

Australian Multicultural Education Centre does not use external identifiers on an individual.

8. Trans-Border Data Flows

Australian Multicultural Education Centre takes all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal information transferred to someone in a foreign country will only be used in a way substantially in accordance with the Australian National Privacy Principles.

9. Sensitive information

Australian Multicultural Education Centre does not collect sensitive information about individual.

10. Opt Out

We give you the right to opt out from receiving communications from us, whether by email, mail or phone by emailing , or by phone us at (+617) 3323 3168.