Studying Aboard

What is BMAT

  • The BMAT aims to identify applicants who will thrive on Medicine, Biomedicine and Dentistry degree courses with the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT).
  • It is a two-hour admissions test that assesses a combination of aptitude and knowledge. The BMAT tests a broad range of skills across three sections:
    1. Section 1 – tests your skills in problem-solving, understanding arguments, and data analysis and inference. You’ll answer 32 multiple-choice questions in 60 minutes.
    2. Section 2 – tests your ability to apply scientific knowledge typically covered in school science and mathematics by 16. You’ll answer 27 multiple-choice questions in 30 minutes.
    3. Section 3 – tests your ability to select, develop and organise ideas, and communicate them in writing, concisely and effectively. You’ll write an essay on one of three questions that you choose, and you get 30 minutes to do this.

Why take BMAT?

Who approves BMAT?

  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Oxford Medical School
  • Imperial College London
  • University College London
  • Leeds’ School of Medicine
  • Brighton & Sussex Medical School
  • Keele University (overseas applicants only, home applicants sit the UCAT)
  • Lancaster University

BMAT Dates

  • In most years, you can choose to sit the test in September or November.

Importance of BMAT Scores

  • BMAT scores are more important than ever before. The combination of increasing numbers of Medicine applicants with competitive grades, and the cancellation of exams this year, means a high score is one of the few ways you can really stand out as a candidate.
  • A good BMAT score is usually 6.0 and above – with 7.0 and above being exceptionally rare.
  • The average student can expect to get a BMAT score of around 5.0.

Difference between BMAT and UCAT

  • BMAT and UCAT can only be tested once a school year, and the results are valid for one year. As for whether to take both exams or choose one, it depends on which British medical school the candidate wants to apply to. The medical school only requires students to take one of the exams.
  • The UCAT’s test period is from July to early October (two periods, the first session is usually arranged in August, and the second session is usually in November). Therefore, candidates can choose this section according to their own progress. During the test, the test results will be notified within a short time after the test.
  • The BMAT test will set a time after the UCAS medical school registration deadline, so students cannot know their test results before registering for medical school. Therefore, most students will prepare for the UCAT test early.
  • If the test is not satisfactory, you can prepare for the BMAT and apply to universities that require BMAT scores.


Entry Exams

  • What is AEAS

  • What is IELTS

  • What is PTE

  • What is UCAT

  • What is TOFEL

  • What is BMAT

  • What is GAMSAT



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